Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Mushrooms prefer the stagnant and damp
So different yet both thrive in manure
OG by RB at 1:33
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"The Suicide Loop" - a nightmare I had
A dream/nightmare I had a few years back:
I am in my apartment playing Drakan on my computer; the floor is on fire and is burning slowly away, revealing another floor a few feet below. I keep playing the game and mostly ignore the burning, walking around it if I need to get up for something.
I had two neighbors in the dream, guys in their early twenties like I was at the time. LA white boy types. They came over to hang out, they both had antlers (like deer antlers) and they had hair that had been battered and deep fried, which stood up as if they had been upside down when they fried it. It looked like deep fried dreadlocks sticking straight up.
They put the TV on and said I should watch the show they put on, it turned out to be a 'Tales from the Crypt' type of show, but it was more like 'tales from hell'
The show opened with a pretty girl of around 13 years old, she was an ice skater that was training for the Olympics. She was under a lot of pressure and was stressing out. She had gotten a hold of a revolver (chrome) and was really stressed out about training all the time. She takes the revolver and shoots herself in the head, committing suicide.
In the next scene she is back to being alive and is relieved, she says something about not wanting to kill herself and that it was an accident. After a minute or so, she has the revolver in her hand again as if it just appeared there. She freaks out and says she doesn’t want to kill herself but she slowly starts pointing the gun at her head again, she is not able to control it. She again shoots herself in the head.
In the next scene she is sitting on a couch with her mom, they are both crying about her having killed herself, she tells her mom she won’t do it again and that she wishes she never did it, her arm is around her mom and suddenly the revolver is back in her hand. With her hand reaching around from the other side of her mom she again shoots herself in the head, not able to stop herself from doing so.
The scenes start getting shorter and shorter, each time she comes back to life, she has less time until she kills herself again. Also each time she comes back to life her eyes look more exhausted and droopy, and her mouth starts to twist into a sick looking smile or grimace. Each time she looks more and more terrible, which is extra disturbing because she was such a pretty girl. This might have been the worst aspect of the dream.
She keeps coming back to life in different places, like around the house, or the park, and she realizes what happened just long enough to realize she will kill herself again. She always ends up with the gun in her hand and is not able to stop herself from shooting herself. One of the times she is in the shower, and another version of her jumps into the shower with the gun, shoots her, and then shoots herself.
Her face at this point is bone white and twisted into a masklike visage with droopy exhausted eyes and a sick unnatural grimace; she is now coming into existence and killing herself faster and faster until it is happening several times per second.
The camera pans out and shows that there are now many copies of her, dozens at least, popping into existence and killing themselves and each other. This is apparently her private hell. I didn't even realize that until I had woken up and thought about the dream.
As the camera pans out I can see other parts of hell. The only other part I clearly remember was a woman who was made of kitchen appliances like refrigerators and stoves for arms, and her whole body was a convenience store. She was nonstop stuffing her face with food and getting bigger and bigger.
The show ended and the show host said a few words of warning, I can’t remember exactly what he said.
I woke up around that part of the dream.
Some thoughts:
I think the neighbors were some kind of demons visiting me in the dream to show me this. I usually am not all that into demons angels etc. But these guys did seem like they were real 'life forms' of some kind and that they purposely had come to my dream to make me watch that show. At the time I felt very strongly that this was the case. Who would deep fry their hair except a demon?
This dream was very intense and messed with my head for days and weeks after. It freaked me out pretty bad.
Monday, April 20, 2009
7-up hero
I was in a youth group/dad and son thing at the Y called Indian Guides at around age 8-9. Indian guides was something like a liberal answer to the boy scouts.
A bunch of other dudes from my school were also in it, some of my best friends actually. We went to a campground at a lake (Lake Cachuma?)for a weekend trip. It was a great weekend and I have other memories of it as well, but onto the meat of the story.
Our group of school friends and some other kids we met went off wandering. We ended up trying to climb down a sheer wall overhanging the lake, there was a ledge to walk on and the trail was above. One of our friends sat this one out as he was a bit overweight and didn't think he could do it, he stayed above on the trail.
The rest of us shimmied along the ledge until we got to the point we couldn't go any further, we then discovered we also couldn't get back.
Stuck there clinging to the rock face we started to panic and thought we might die, or at least that some of us would and that it was gonna really suck.
Our hope. Our savior, was our friend above on the trail.
He was holding the sodas though, unopened cold sodas that we brought.
There was a moment then where he had to decide between the sodas and saving us. He looked at the 7-up can in his hand, he looked at us. He had a tough decision to make. Next he yelled out either "FUCK IT!!!" or just "AUUUGGGHHHHH!!!" with huge drama and emotion, and launched a 7-up can into the lake.
He then reached down and proceeded to pull us out of mortal danger.
He could have just put the sodas down.
Also, I clearly remember turning around and seeing the 7-up can splash in the lake behind me and hearing the 'bloop' splash sound.
Thank you 7-up hero!
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Blue LED - Original story
The Blue LED
It was 1:24 when I finally looked at the clock, It must have been around 1 when it, well, when I noticed it.
The only light on in the room was the blue LED on my electric toothbrush in it's charging station. I had made sure that night to block out the windows because I needed the sleep.
How do I start this? Across from the bathroom sink, there is a closet with two full length mirrors as doors. the LED was shining directly into the mirrors. I needed a glass of water so I started to get out of bed. I could see fine in the blue light. I'm not sure whether I even considered turning on the desk lamp.
I saw something moving. The first impression it made was of a large mass of oversize soap bubbles. I sat there looking at it in a daze. Remember, reader, I had just woken up.
The thing was floating in the air about the size and height of where a man's stomach would be if he were standing there, but it was only on the mirror side, about two feet in!
I blinked, I shook my head, I thought at myself 'wake up'. As a lucid dreamer I can wake myself out of a bad dream. Sure enough, I was already awake.
It was still there, in the mirror.
The realization that something was in my room, and that it was real, finally shocked me fully awake. I slowly stood up and moved towards it. Not knowing what to do, I considered getting my pistol, or grabbing my Katana, but I didn't dare take my eyes off of the apparition for fear of not seeing it there when I looked again. Besides, I had always told myself I would be nice to a ghost if I ever met one.
This wasn't a ghost.
It really was some kind of mass of bubbles, each one anywhere from one to five inches across. They moved around with what seemed like independence, but also with a sickening kind of cooperation. I had a brief thought that, at the cellular level, I was like this grotesque thing in that way.
In the blue light it was difficult to distinguish color, but some of the orbs were darker and some lighter, and some few were translucent and shone through like spheres of night sky.
Next is when I came closest to a heart attack. It must have finally perceived me in the room with it because it violently spasmed and some of the larger bubbles turned, or rather stretched, into sharp tentacles lunging towards me. I couldn't say whether it was offensive or defensive, but it seemed more like a reflex than an attack with thought behind it. The longer tentacles came right through the mirror into the room!
I jumped backwards, but I'm sure that wasn't what saved me, they moved too fast for that. The murderous appendages stopped right at the edge of where the blue LED was cut off from direct sight by the bathroom divider wall.
The strange living nightmare stayed there writhing and grasping hatefully at me. In fear and indecision I watched for a second or two as the 'bubbles' seemed to morph into whatever ghastly shapes each one desired to. There seemed to be no order to the thing, except that the smaller orbs formed things like eyeballs and primitive noses, while the larger ones pressed themselves into talons, spikes, fingers, teeth and claws.
The monster was now oozing through the mirror into the room. In horror I watched as different sized globs morphed into likenesses of my own face, but without holes for the mouth, nose, or eyes: as if each piece could become only one thing, or part, at a time.
I laid back and reached over the other side of the bed for the Katana, keeping my eyes on the ghastly abomination the entire time. With the other hand I turned the nightstand lamp on. The latter part was done without thought as the lamp is always in the same place, and I turn it on frequently with no light to see by.
It was almost fully in the room at this point, and seemed to be growing more solid.
The instant the lamp came on though, the fiendish mass let out a terrible bubbling shriek and fled back into the mirror without turning around. The 'cells' facing me seemed to flatten into reptilian scales as it left. The remaining eyes registered a look of pain as it navigated itself out of the mirror image of my room, down the hallway, and out of my sight.
I half laid, half sat on my bed with the Katana finally drawn in the one hand, and the lamp in the other. Which one was more useful was obvious. I dropped the weapon and took up a towel from the floor. Still holding the lamp towards the mirror, I walked over and threw the towel over the toothbrush, which I then unplugged.
Nothing else happened that night, I left the nightstand lamp on and sat by it until morning.
Those hours that I sat there awake I came to understand what brought it through. It was the blue LED.
The desk lamp was a cheapie, from Big Lots or Marshalls, the box said it was close to natural sunlight.
The next day, I went through the house and used a nail to gouge the blue LED's out of all of my electronic devices.
The toothbrush still works fine.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Childhood story as promised..
One of the first shitty days I can remember.
First or second grade. (age 6-7)
At El Rincon Elementary, there was an afterschool 'hut' where kids with two working parents or nowhere to go would have supervision until they got picked up. It was actually pretty cool, we would play connect 4 and uno, and the adults were volunteer college students or something. They weren't the regular grim school staff.
There was a rainstorm one day. It happened to be on a day that the hut was closed, I don't know why. Normally there would be 10 or so kids there but today, no one. not one person.
I wasn't able to get in the hut, so I waited around the back under an awning behind the building. I realized that I couldn't be seen there and so I had to go back out and stand in the rain. It was really pouring hard, not some LA drizzle, and it was cold (for a Californian).
An hour passed standing in the rain.
Another hour passed standing in the rain.
no Cel phones then
Another hour
My parents each thought the other one was going to pick me up that day and went out on other errands (I guess when they got home there was a 'where's Ricky? I thought you.. but I thought...).
I got picked up at around 7:30, I think we got out of school at 2:30
5 hours standing in pouring rain wondering if I had been abandoned, drenched to the bone.
OK, that was it, please comment if you enjoyed it, or thought it sucked, or enjoyed that it sucked.
Also I please let me know if you would like to post a story here. If you are too lazy to write it down, I might transcribe it for you provided it is an interesting or entertaining story. The only real rule will be that this has to be your story, not a retelling of someone elses. I might make an exception if you are telling the story of a deceased person and feel the story should really be preserved somewhere.
OK, back to work
Thank you for reading
Good morning
I had a thought, and decided it would make an aight first post. Not a great one, but aight. Something is better than nothing or so the theory goes.
The plan for this blog is to post personal takes on really funny, strange, paranormal, or otherwise interesting things that have happened to me or you. No third party writing, you had to be there.
Also another section I would like to feature: funny, humiliating, heroic, sad, memorable, fight, injury, and other stories from childhood. I have about four of these written and will post at least one tomorrow.
An inspiration:

(click on the archives, this will take up 14 hours of your time at work over the next week or so)
Without further ado, here is the thought of which I spoke:
Random proposed laws
First one:
if you vote, you should be given a press-pass style demonstrators pass, which would allow easier granting of public licenses for venues, etc. to hold protest rallies, public discussions, etc. You would never have to disclose who/what you voted for. The idea behind this is to drive up the percentage of voters and at the same time give everyone a way to call bullshit on protesters that don't at least try to use the system first.
Verdict: nope
This one is a bad idea mainly because it might/would eventually diminish non-voters 1st amendment rights.
I am considering starting 'Random proposed laws' as a section as well. Keep it simple: propose a law, decide whether it should be passed in the 'verdict', other people can add their verdicts in comments. Maybe a voting system?
Should I? Should I continue this blog? Should I even bother to get out of bed in the morning?
Speaking of which, I should go to sleep.